Lübbinchener Biogas GbR
up to 100% liquid manure
Flexible running performance
up to 889 kWh
Gas storage volume
sufficient for 24h
Annually supplies
up to 1,500 households
The biogas system runs up to 100% on liquid manure, which means that no additional areas for agricultural production are lost. Some of the energy that is generated is turned into electricity and can power up to 1,500 households annually. On the other hand, this energy is used to heat the milking centre and the social building and for providing hot water. The company can produce its own bedding – solid digestate – using separator. The resulting liquid digestate can be used to fertilise the feed with low levels of odour. The milking cows are mainly fed with feed that is grown by the company, whereby more milk is obtained from the cows and liquid manure can be created. Due to the flexible operating performance of up to 889 kWh, the energy supplier can be increased or decreased without giving prior notice, and the gas storage volume is sufficient for 24 hours.