Erlebnis Akademie AG


1,8 million (2020)

Treetop walks


Adventure woodlands

2 in Germany


151 (2020)

The Erlebnis Akademie AG (eak) is one of the leading providers (construction and operation) of impressive treetop walks and leisure activities which are close to nature, with natural and experiential education elements. It was established as a public limited company in 2001 in Bad Kötzting / Bavarian Forest and has been listed as m:access on the Munich stock exchange since December 2015. The barrier-free treetop walks, which are mainly made from wood, impress with their natural design and highest standard of architecture, constructed in a way which protects nature. The natural experience institutions in Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia, France and Slovenia enrich the regions and fascinate visitors of all ages.

Thirteen treetop walks including complementary facilities have been erected so far:

The following adventure woodlands are currently available:

Another important component of the Erlebnis Akademie AG is DoNature gGmbH. The non-profit organisation describes itself as the sustainable development of our personal environment, by combining education and experience with nature. DoNature gGmbH is responsible for environmental education in German locations, and also organises seminars, events and team training (s.e.t.) with sustainable and nature-focused aspects.